North County
Society of Fine Arts
The North County Society of Fine Arts is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of
education and appreciation of art and artists in our community.
We exist as a non-profit because we do good things for our community.
Our fiscal year starts June1st and ends May 31st. All memberships are due June1st.
Your membership helps support the local arts with NCSFA's wide variety of programs, including this website. $5.00 of the membership fee is now going to the Scholarship Fund as part of our nonprofit status.
Individual - $40.00
Family - $50.00
Students18 or under - $25.00
TAX-DEDUCTIBLE Membership Level with a donation
SILVER $70 ($30 donation and $40 for membership)
GOLD $110 ($70 Donation and $40 for membership)
PLATINUM $140 ($100 donation and $40 for membership)
The donation portion of your membership is tax deductible and will be earmarked for SCHOLARSHIPS
You will receive a receipt for your tax records
For any questions about membership contact Reva Sandmeyer.
If you join after March1st, your membership is good until June of the following year.
Please also consider donating to our Scholarship Fund. Anything you can give is greatly appreciated.
Please pay first!
1. Please choose your Membership type and then click on BUY NOW.
After PayPal payment is completed, you will be directed back to this page. Then Click here to complete the membership form.
2. Complete the Membership Form, scroll to the bottom and click on SUBMIT when done. There may be a Captcha picture box test for security.
Please contact Barbara Kokaska at if there are any problems with registration.
Use PayPal for your membership dues
*Don't forget to complete your membership form after making your payment.
Individual Membership
Full Year Membership (June1-May 31) $40
Family Membership
Full Year Membership (June1- May 31) $50
Student Membership
Full Year Membership (June 1 - May 31) $25
The donation portion of your membership below is tax deductible and will be earmarked for SCHOLARSHIPS
You will receive a receipt for your tax records
Full Year Membership (June1-May 31)
$70 ($30 donation and $40 for membership)
Full Year Membership (June1- May 31)
$110 ($80 Donation and $30 for membership)
Full Year Membership (June 1 - May 31)
$140 ($100 donation and $40 for membership)